You do not have permission to view link Giriş yap veya üye ol.You do not have permission to view link Giriş yap veya üye ol.
Avatar exploit fixed Invisible/Invincible exploit fixed CharName injector exploit fixed Zerk exploit fixed Gameserver crash exploit fixed ALL New exploit fixed on Z-Filter
Login Features
Launcher News (you can renews the launcher news by the filter not need to restart gateway server anymore..!) Server Information (you can set your server name fake online max server online) Remove Captcha (you can easily remove the game captcha by our filter)
GM Features
Mobkill 0 Command (you can improve this command to be mobkill 1 so gm cant get any drop from uniques) GM Control (you can control every single gm in your list Check _RefGM_Control) GM Start Visible (your gms will be visible for every one) Login Notice (Players will get notice when they login into your server (normal players only.)) GM Private Password (you can protect your gms by type a second password on the game gm cant use notice/console before he enter the password)
JOB Features
Disable JOB Mode (you can remove the job from your server) Reverse Scrolls (you can block this scroll while job state) Resurrection scroll (you can block this scroll while job state) Trace function (you can block this function while job state) Zerk function (you can block this function while job state) Berserk pot Scrolls function (you can block this scroll while job state) JOB Anti cheat (you can improve your job this feature will block thief cant use return scroll/pick trade items inside towns/spawn horses/trade pets inside towns) Europe Exchange (Europe players cant use exchange while job state europe players only) Chinese Exchange (Chinese players cant use exchange while job state chinese players only) Europe Exchange Delay (you can stop exchange delay for eu players while job state) Chinese Exchange Delay (you can stop exchange delay for ch players while job state) Job Skills (you can block specific Skills while job state)
Event Features
Battle Arena
Disable Battle arena (you can disable arena without restart your server) Trace function (you can block this function inside Battle arena) Zerk function (you can block this function inside Battle arena) Berserk pot scrolls (you can block this scroll inside Battle arena) Resurrection scroll (you can block this scroll inside Battle arena) Europe Exchange (Europe players cant use exchange inside Battle arena europe players only) Chinese Exchange (Chinese players cant use exchange while inside Battle arena chinese players only) Europe Exchange Delay (you can stop exchange delay for eu players inside Battle arena) Chinese Exchange Delay (you can stop exchange delay for ch players inside Battle arena) Arena Skill (You can block skill inside battle arena)
Some area take the same setting of Battle Arena CTF Forgotten World Jupiter Temple Any Fortress war Jangan Fortress Bandit Fortress Hotan Fortress
BOT Features
Ability to prevent third-part programs to enter the game. Ability to prevent third-part programs from alchemy. Ability to prevent third-part programs from joining Arena. Ability to prevent third-part programs from joining CTF. Ability to prevent third-part programs from joining Fortress. Ability to prevent third-part programs from changing avatar blues! Ability to prevent third-part programs to create party matches! Ability to prevent third-part programs to invite to party matches! Ability to prevent third-part programs from opening a stall. Ability to prevent third-part programs to exchange another user. Ability to prevent third-part programs to use PVP cape. Ability to prevent third-part programs to join Holy water temple. Ability to prevent third-part programs to join Job Temple (Alex Cave). Ability to prevent third-part programs to join Fortress war. Ability to prevent third-part programs to join Forgotten World. Ability to prevent third-part programs from tracing other users. Ability to prevent third-part programs from exchange other users. Ability to prevent third-part programs to use avatars blue. Ability to prevent third-part programs to use specific skill.
Block SRO Functions Features
Ability to prevent Zerk in specific region Ability to prevent Party in specific region Ability to prevent Berserk Pot in specific region Ability to prevent Trace in specific region Ability to prevent Skill in specific region
PVP Features
Ability to prevent Zerk While pvp mode Ability to prevent restart While pvp mode Ability to prevent exit While pvp mode Ability to prevent stall While pvp mode Ability to prevent Berserk Pot While pvp mode Ability to prevent Trace While pvp mode Ability to prevent Skill While pvp mode Ability to prevent PVP in specific region Ability to prevent Europe players exchange While pvp mode Ability to prevent Chinese players exchange While pvp mode Ability to prevent Europe players exchange delay While pvp mode Ability to prevent Chinese players exchange delay While pvp mode
LOG Feature
Ability to Log Private Chat Ability to Log GM Chat Ability to Log Stall Chat Ability to Log Guild Chat Ability to Log Union Chat Ability to Log Party Chat Ability to Log All Chat Ability to Log Global Chat Ability to Log Academy Chat Ability to Log Unique's Kills
Auto PVP Feature
Auto pvp what that mean?here you can set some regions that player will wear pvp cape automaticallythat you chosesome sro feature can be managed in this area..
Ability to set the min level for who can play in auto-pvp region Ability to prevent change or close pvp mode in auto-pvp region Ability to prevent specific Skill in auto-pvp region Ability to prevent party in auto-pvp region Ability to prevent Zerk in auto-pvp region Ability to prevent restart in auto-pvp region Ability to prevent exit in auto-pvp region Ability to prevent stall in auto-pvp region Ability to prevent Berserk Pot in auto-pvp region Ability to prevent Trace in auto-pvp region Ability to prevent Skill in auto-pvp region Ability to prevent Europe players exchange in auto-pvp region Ability to prevent Chinese players exchange in auto-pvp region Ability to prevent Europe players exchange delay in auto-pvp region Ability to prevent Chinese players exchange delay in auto-pvp region
Level Feature
Ability to set the min level for who can join arena Ability to set the min level for who can join CTF Ability to set the min level for who can open stall Ability to set the min level for who can wear pvp cape Ability to set the min level for who can use Exchange Ability to set the min level for who can join Job Ability to set the min level for who can use Resurrection scrolls Ability to set the min level for who can use Zerk Ability to set the min level for who can use global chat Ability to set the min level for who can use reverse scrolls
Delay Feature
Exchange delay specified in seconds Stall delay specified in seconds Global delay specified in seconds Reverse delay specified in seconds Restart delay specified in seconds Exit delay specified in seconds Zerk delay specified in seconds. Auto attack delay specified in seconds. Pet delay specified in seconds. Party delay specified in seconds. Resurrection Scrolls delay specified in seconds.
Block Chat Feature
On this feature you can block all chat for useruser cant use any chat on the game before the end date
Bad-Word Advanced Filter
do you hate bad words?here we made a advanced bad-word filterfilter will check every single name-message sent by usersif he find a bad word that on the filter bad word listwill ignore it wont be sent for the server anymorefilter will check what?All-ChatGM-ChatStall-ChatGlobal-ChatPrivate-ChatNotice-ChatAcademy-ChatUnion-ChatParty-ChatCrate new CharacterCrate new PartyChange Party titleCrate new GuildAbout Guild noticeGuild change grant-nameGuild noticeCrate new jobchange job nameSend Message to guild memberSend Message to players[GALLERY=title: Some Screens][*]image:You do not have permission to view link Giriş yap veya üye ol.[*]image:You do not have permission to view link Giriş yap veya üye ol.[*]image:You do not have permission to view link Giriş yap veya üye ol.[*]image:You do not have permission to view link Giriş yap veya üye ol.[*]image:You do not have permission to view link Giriş yap veya üye ol.[*]image:You do not have permission to view link Giriş yap veya üye ol.[*]image:You do not have permission to view link Giriş yap veya üye ol.[*]image:You do not have permission to view link Giriş yap veya üye ol.[*]image:You do not have permission to view link Giriş yap veya üye ol.[*]image:You do not have permission to view link Giriş yap veya üye ol.[*]image:You do not have permission to view link Giriş yap veya üye ol.[*]image:You do not have permission to view link Giriş yap veya üye ol.[*]image:You do not have permission to view link Giriş yap veya üye ol.[*]image:You do not have permission to view link Giriş yap veya üye ol.[/GALLERY]
Limit Feature
IP Limit
Hwid Limit
Guild Limit
Union Limit
Extra Feature
Ability to prevent academy invite Ability to prevent academy createExtra
Ability to prevent Up STR Ability to prevent Up INT Ability to prevent Up Skills Ability to prevent Up Mastery Ability to prevent Restart Ability to prevent Stall Out town Ability to prevent avatar blue
Item Lock Feature
item-lock(anti scam system)now you can protect your playersby add a private password on there account!lock password will lock the character so most of the game will be locked you cant use stall,drop,guild..etc!unlock password will unlock the character so can be use any thing!removelock password will remove the lock system from the characterlock will prevent player from useupdate guild grant name (if he muster the guild)Disband the guild (if he muster the guild)ban user from guild (if he muster the guild)Promote the guild (if he muster the guild)set Permission for user (if he muster the guild)ban union (if he muster the guild)leave union (if he muster the guild)alchemy any type (elixir,socket,stone..etc)donate guild gpleave guildguild inviteunion inviteopen guild storagebuy any thing from stallup STR , UP INT, UP Skills, up masterycreate stalluse zerkavatar blueuse Berserk potionuse global chatuse Rescurrection scrolluse job modebuying item from npcselling item to npcdrop item/goldany type of exchange (send request/accept..etc)
Switch Title Feature
Prevent Teleport Feature
You can block specific TeleportIDBy getting the teleportID from _RefTeleportLike 1 -->JanganHow To?:Open sql and go SRO_VT_ZYENO-->_RefPreventTeleportIDAnd add what you wantRemember that you can re-enable The blocked teleport ID by setting service 0
Block Advance Elixir Feature
do you want to block advanced elixir on some items?go to Silkroad-filter systems-> lists -> advance elixir listhow to use?get the itemid that you want to block advance on itemidand insert it into the list
Plus limit for specific Item Feature
Here you can set plus for specific itemHow To?Go to filter-->SYSTEMS-->Setting set (Enable Plus Limit For Specific item true)Get item id and go to filter-->SYSTEMS-->Item Plus LimitAdd the itemid and the specific plus
Guild Member Grant Name Feature
Players can change their Grant-name w/o Guild master by chat command!grantname New Grant hereNote:Guild Master Must Be Online
AFK Feature
Afk bubblesYou can disconnect/Mark afk players on CTF/FORTRESS/ARENA/ALL
Reward Per Hour Feature
You can reward your palyers by special rewardsYou can set the min level who can get the rewardYou can prevent Bot/Afk players from getting the rewardYou can notice the player who get the reward
Reward Types Silk Silk Gift Silk Point Gold Coins Copper Coins Iron Coins Silver Coins Arena Coins Global Chat Scrolls
Alchemy New notice Feature
special alchemy plus noticenotice will have 2 different typeif the item have a advanced elixir[Alchemy] Player Zyeno fused item item_name to plus plus_value with advanced elixir adv_valueelse[Alchemy] Player Zyeno fused item item_name to plus plus_value without advanced elixir
Switch Title Feature information will added soon
2.24 MB file on MEGA
Filter is encrypted, if virustotal shows anything its false positive You must import filter Notify files.txt into your media.pk2 Check SHARD/ACC DB Name in SRO_VT_ZYENO Stored Procedure's
Virus scan
You do not have permission to view link Giriş yap veya üye ol.You do not have permission to view link Giriş yap veya üye ol.Detection because encrypted .exe fileDownload from AttachmentsYou Must DownloadYou do not have permission to view link Giriş yap veya üye ol.Note:Free Version had a user limit 250 players
Key | Usage
The server is full, please try again later. |If the server reach the maximum players
Cannot connect to the server because access to the current IP has exceeded its limit. | User reach the maximum limit for ip
Cannot connect to the server because the server is now in inspection. | Server is inspection
Cannot connect because the free service is over. | User reach the maximum limit for hwid
Only users over the age of 12 are allowed to connect to the server. | Bot user try to login to the server
Adults over the age of 18 are not allowed to connect to the Teen server. | User try to login with out sending the hwid